Far and away, the hit of holidays were these photo family dolls I made for my nieces. That's my sister Louise, her husband Rick, and Audrey and Violet in softie form. Audrey, three-and-a-half, was a little freaked when she opened these, but they were a hit with the grown-ups, and over time, the wee ones took to cuddling their plushy parents.

Want some? You can make them, too. I based my fabric family on a pattern found in super blogger
Amy Karol's "Bend the Rules with Fabric". The toughest part of this project was tracking down an inkjet printer to print the photo faces on fabric paper (purchased from the office supply store). Turns out, ink jet printers are hard to come by. They can't be found in copy centres anymore. If you're lucky (like me) your dad has one in the basement.