Our recent sojourn to the big apple has me thinking all about signature ladies. You know who I’m talking about. Character trailblazers (olden-times quirky aloners – have you read that book? Very affirming for creative types). Lasses like Amelia Earhart, Annie Liebowitz (Did you ever see the PBS documentary? So fantastic!), The Beales, and the like.
It's all thoughts Grey Gardens over here. So many upper-east siders (ahem!) in fur coats and florals. High heels with tube socks; walking dogs in sweaters, stopping for bagels, and carrying Ferragamo purses that cost more than my rent. True grit – NYC style. Classically *Florence Broadhurst. Love.
(*oh I know, I know. Broadhurst wasn't a new yorker, but she's a kindred spirit, so allow me a little latitude on this one. And by the by, I think she'd be comfy chatting with some tea avec raccoons at Big Edie's bedside, don't you?)
I so enjoyed Florence Broadhurst: Her Secret and Extraordinary Lives. Have you read it? Such good company for cozy-under-covers winter's turn to spring nights (not to mention, sheer inspiration! Broadhust's patterns - wallpaper and fabric - are swoonworthy).
I'm looking for new stories (hint: I love a good artist/eccentric's biography). Read anything extraordinary lately? Send a little recommendation my way!