1. I’m going to make the leap from home-sewing to HP-sewing. I would love to sew myself a garment or two (I’m thinking an easy shift dress or tunic). I’m looking here, here and here for inspiration.
2. *Really* open my Etsy shop.
3. Apply for an exhibition.
4. Understand my pension and RRSP statements.
5. Consume less sugar.
6. Exercise more.
7. Organize my craft supplies.
8. Go to bed earlier.
I was trying to make it to 10, but this is a good start. Most of all, I know I am so lucky to have this life. I am thankful for true love, family and friends who inspire me, Cedarvale Park, craft blogs, contentment, creativity and imagination. This year, I am happier than I've ever been; I can't wait to see what 2011 brings.
Happy New Year!